Wednesday, August 31, 2005

running into god

Went to hear Dave Tomlinson speak while at Greenbelt. The title of this post, the seminar, and Dave's new-ish book, is Running Into God. Here are some rather brief notes I made during the seminar....

The WHOLE earth is full of God's glory - not just church, the Church, or whatever we consider to be 'Christian'.

So how do we see the world? God is in everything, in the little, ordinary, every day things, these rumours of glory, these transcendant windows.

The ordinary is the sacrement of the divine.....

How can we discern God outside the Church?
It's not about things labelled as being of God, nor is it to do with religious orthodoxy, rather it is to do with people's fruit - the fruit of God's Spirit...

Dave spoke quite a bit about Amos (the prophet, in the Bible).
Amos 9:7 - the Israelites meaning the same to God as other nations....God hears the cry of many peoples....the oppressed, destitute, lonely...

What sort of God do we beleive in? A God who would judge people simply due to the culture they were born into, or a God who is bigger than that?

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